Thursday, August 12, 2010

A clarification . . .

I just wanted to clarify that I didn't mean that everyone in SL is some kind of fetishist or sex maniac, although a lot of people do go there for that. I was just trying to point out that you can find something for everyone. But most people really go into SL looking for some companionship, love, and appreciation that they don't necessarily get in RL. I am single and don't have a current partner; I have made lots of friends on SL. And I pursue "normal" hobbies and lifestyle in SL. I rent some land, on which I've rezzed a house and furniture. I "live" there with my SL fiance, and it is a corner lot on the beach with a sunset view, something I could never afford in RL. We don't do anything "weird" in SL... we hang out at home, we go dancing at various clubs, we go dancing at formal dance places, we shop, we meet up with friends, we hang out.

Just didn't want anyone thinking that SL was all a bunch of amoral deviants. Although there are plenty of those there, as well, just like RL. :)


Hmm, did my comment make you think a clarification is needed? if so, not for me. If that is what u like to do, that is fine. Just not for me. Currently I cant even concentrate enough in my therapy and here. means I wouldnt even detect the amoral deviant... ;-))))
Love form my heart to yours.

LOL well yes your comment did prompt this post... you had said "my spiritual beliefs and values would not allow myself to do such a thing." so I thought...hmmm... maybe that really sounded bad. hehe

It is a lot of fun; he's a great guy and we love being together on SL. Whether or not we will ever meet in real life is unknown at this time. But hope is always there.... :)

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